cover letter

Lucas Carol Sales Duarte

+55 11 986 372 833
+351 912 646 993

I have been a software developer since 2007. I've worked already with C# .NET, Node, Kotlin, Frontend technologies (HTML, CSS and Javascript), Python and Rust; TDD and BDD for testing; MySQL, Postgres and SQL Server databases; and Docker, Docker Compose, AWS and GCP for infrastructure.

Before college, I took a web developer course. I worked as a freelancer making some simple websites. One month after starting college, a colleague called me to replace them at the company given my abilities with logic. There I took care of the whole system, from database to frontend. It was a legacy system, using old technologies and practices.

Then I moved to a software development consultancy. There I learned better practices, such as versioning, object oriented programming, agile principles and practices. While there, I started my personal project, called Don't fly Money, a system for personal financial management. It is my sandbox and a great source of learning since then. I used technologies in it that later I would use to solve problems of my companies' clients.

After that, I worked in a company in the payment industry. They had their own product and they used a bunch of new technologies, in development and architecture. There I learned Node and Rust. And I worked with Kotlin for the first time, but I already knew it, because of Don't fly Money.

From 2019 to 2022 I worked for an international software excellence consultant. I took part in four projects at the company. The projects included technologies like Node, Java, microservices, Observability, Grafana, Docker, Typescript and Google AppScripts. Since 2020, because of the world pandemic, I have worked fully remote. I was the security champion of the last team, given my attention to security and details people don't use to notice.

Between 2023 and 2024 I worked in the Portuguesecompany in the backend development team. We use Python for API and Node with Node-RED to develop customization for clients in the system that connects insurers and distributors. I moved to Portugal to be closer to the company, working in the site once a week.

At the end of 2024, I joined a global consultancy to work on web development projects. Although I was initially hired for C# and React, I have already contributed to another project, where urgent needs required my seniority and expertise beyond the original scope.

I'm looking for a new opportunity for professional growth and knowledge improvement, this way developing myself even more with agile teams that focus on software and product quality, security and the needs of people who use the applications we develop.

sincerely and respectfully,
Lucas Carol SD


.NET .NET Core Agile Amazon Web Services (AWS) Android AWS EC2 AWS Lambda AWS RDS AWS S3 AWS SES Bash BDD Bootstrap C# CI/CD CircleCI CSS Dart Django Docker Docker Compose Flutter GCP git Github Actions Gradle HTML Java JavaScript jQuery JUnit Kanban Kotlin Linux Microservices Mobile MySQL NHibernate Nginx Node Node-RED PostgreSQL puppeteer Python React Rust Scrum Selenium SDK Development Specflow SQL SQL Server SQLite SVG Terraform TypeScript Unity3D

Lucas Carol Sales Duarte

+55 11 986 372 833
+351 912 646 993

Professional experience


Hitachi Digital ServicesDevelopment of Digital Services for Cloud and Data

Senior Full StackBackend and Frontend Development

Working on system integration and web development projects. One project involved integrating a Java web application with a local Java program to interface with a C++ library for biometric recognition. Another project is developing a microservices-based web system using C#, .NET Core, and Azure, with a focus on backend development and automated testing.

    • Biometric system integrationJava, C++, Websocket, Keycloak
    • Web system for restaurant menuMicroservices, C#, .NET Core, Azure
    NOV/2024 – DEC/2024

    Inspira TecnologiaA technology and innovation company focused on agile methodologies and continuous learning

    Senior Developer Part TimeBackend and Frontend Development

    Worked on the maintenance and enhancement of two applications. One was a car localization app, where I worked with Dart and Flutter to improve functionality and fix issues. The other was a repair service management system for restaurant branches, reviewing code and fix bugs in both the mobile app (Dart, Flutter) and the web platform (Python, Django).

      • Cars localization appDart, Flutter
      • Restaurant branches repair service management systemDart, Flutter, Python, Django
      JAN/2023 – SEP/2024

      HabitIntermediary between insurers and distributor companies

      Senior DeveloperPart of product backend development

      Worked in a team developing customizations for clients within the product. The role involved backend development with Node.js, using Node-RED low code, and implementing new features and bug fixes in the Python core APIs.

        • Development in browser graphical interface via Node-REDNode
        • New features and bug fixes in REST APIPython
        NOV/2023 – MAR/2024

        Inspira TecnologiaA technology and innovation company focused on agile methodologies and continuous learning

        Senior Developer Part TimeBackend and Frontend Development

        I worked in two projects that was in the need of technical reinforcement, developing, reviewing code and helping on technical decisions.

          • Client/company relationship program Web SystemJava, Spring Boot, Postgres, Docker
          • Covenants register and follow up Web SystemJava, Spring Boot, Postgres, Docker, React
          OCT/2019 – DEC/2022

          ThoughtWorksIT Consulting

          Senior ConsultantClient projects consulting

          Consultancy, development and maintenance of client and internal software. Thoughtworks follows best practices, continuous improvement, pairing, TDD and other agile practices.

          The first project was an internal one, to make it easier to understand the health of the kanban boards using a fictional character state to show how the project was. This has helped me improve my Node knowledge. Some months later, I went to a client project that manages the rental and sale of houses and flats. There I had experience with microservices with Java and BFF methodology (backend-for-frontend). Then I went to my first international project, implementing Observability using Grafana and Docker.

          The fourth project attended internal clients, using Google AppScript, Docker, Postgres, TypeScript and TDD. In this team, I was the security champion.

          • I'm recognized as someone that knows git deeply, and people come to me when they have a problem to solve in this matter
          • When the team needed a security champion, people suggested that it was me, given my attention to details and risks that not everyone is aware to, and this was one of my responsibilities
          • People praise me for being always alert to people welfare, trying to bring an environment where everyone feels safe
          • Agile metrics graphical representation projectTypescript, Node
          • Real estate agency websiteJava, Node, Angular
          • Infrastructure metrics for observabilityC#, Docker, Grafana
          • Financial spreadsheet automation using addonTypescript, Node, Google App Script, Postgres
          • Web system for enterprise internal mentoringTypescript, Node, Postgres
          MAR/2017 – AUG/2019

 PagamentosE-commerce payments backend

          Senior DeveloperMaintenance of physical transactions sdks and company core backend

          I've worked on some projects while working in The first of it was a .NET SDK for communicating with payment machines. After that, I was part of the team that was responsible for creating a new unified frontend library for the mother-company of, using React. Then I started the development of integration to use voucher cards in payment machines. I was part of a security improvement the company had to make, when I had to pair with a bunch of different teams to achieve the results. As a last project I went to a team to start a new project, to attend smaller clients that needed payment machines to improve their business and modernize their way to sell their goods.

          • I was part of the team that started the project to create a default UI for the entire company to develop its websites, in React
          • I took responsibility and fought for a project to implement something that was promised to a client years before - the client was even threatening to sue out company. After it was approved, I spent 15 days working with no rest to make it happen
          • I started with two colleagues a new project to develop an application to a new product of the company. They both were novice and I was the only one that knows the language at the company, I was the one that suggested it when the project started
          • Machines SDK.NET, Kotlin, Rust, Gradle
          • App to communicate machine with client site.NET
          • Maintenance at the company core systemNode
          • App of payment and transaction management with physical cardsKotlin, Gradle
          • Start of new dashboard with company visual identity unificationReact, Open Source
          MAY/2010 – NOV/2016

          Inspira TecnologiaA technology and innovation company focused on agile methodologies and continuous learning

          Analyst and ProgrammerClient system development and maintenance, from marketing site to more complex web systems

          I worked on several projects at Inspira. During my time there I evolved a lot and I grew as a developer and as a person and I had the opportunity to teach other developers.

          • I took responsibility of 4 project at same time, I had to balance the tasks of the project and priorities
          • I taught interns in programming languages and development pathways
          • I started a project in automatic testing with a technology I had learned in my personal project and this is nowadays still used to teach people in the company
          • Sport and physiotherapy management system.NET, C#, MVC, NHibernate, SQL
          • NGO organization system.NET, C#, WebForms, TSQL
          • Energy manager website.NET, C#
          • Flight company website.NET, C#
          • Mobile operator marketing site.NET, C#, TSQL
          • Startup collaboration system.NET, C#, MVC, NHibernate, SQL
          • Book publishing and courses company e-commerce.NET, C#, NopCommerce, WebForms, EntityFramework
          • Card transactions system site and desktop app.NET, Windows Forms, C#, MVC, NHibernate, MySQL
          • Writing and implementation of automated tests to an electronic contract signing company.NET, C#, SpecFlow
          MAR/2007 – AUG/2010

          Grupo SerHR enterprise to evaluate job candidates. Has an online questionnaires system, both psychological and technical - this one made by clients.

          ProgrammerMaintenance and creation of new features to the questionnaires system.

          Starting to replace a colleague, after the second month I took sole responsibility over the entire system: database, backend and frontend. During my years there, I had three people to teach and manage. The technologies I learned there were classic ASP, IIS, SQL, HTML, CSS and Javascript.

          • I entered to take care of the entire system. I had too little experience and they trusted me to be doing the job by myself from the second month;
          • I had three other interns as my responsibility;
          • When I left I still worked with them as freelancer to teach the new developer and solve bugs.
          • Development and maintenance of web system, backend and frontendASP, SQL Server, HTML, CSS, Javascript



          Google Cloud Skills BoostAssociate Cloud Engineer

          • Build Infrastructure with Terraform on Google Cloud
          • Develop your Google Cloud Network
          • Implement Cloud Security Fundamentals on Google Cloud
          • Build a Secure Google Cloud Network
          • Essential Google Cloud Infrastructure: Core Services
          • Set Up an App Dev Environment on Google Cloud
          • Essential Google Cloud Infrastructure: Foundation
          • Implement Load Balancing on Compute Engine
          • Google Cloud Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure
          • Getting Started with Google Kubernetes Engine
          • Elastic Google Cloud Infrastructure: Scaling and Automation
          • Reliable Google Cloud Infrastructure: Design and Process
          2013 – 2014

          SENAC (Serviço Nacional de Aprendizagem Comercial)Post-graduation - Games: Production and Programming

          Post graduation focused in Games using Unity 3D. Learned from game project and design, music, modeling and programming.

            Brás Figueiredo.NET Core and Advanced Foundation

            Course about .NET Framework with Core and Advanced functionalities
              2007 – 2010

              FATEC (Faculdade de Tecnologia de São Paulo)Bachelor Degree in Data Processing Technology (IT)

              Analysis and Programming in a number of languages: Pascal, C, Cobol, TSQL. OS Linux and fundamentals of OSs working. System documentation.
                2008 – 2009

                WizardEnglish reading, writing and conversation

                Intermediary and advanced levels

                  SENAC (Serviço Nacional de Aprendizagem Comercial)Web Designer

                  Web Development with tools Dreamweaver, Fireworks e Flash

                    Independent projects

                    2010 – CURRENT

                    Don't fly MoneyIt is a financial management system built to be a simple way to manage a person cash inflows and outflows

                    Independent project

                    This is a project I created and have maintained since 2010. It is a personal financial management system built with C# .NET Core, Kotlin, Node, and Rust. For testing, it uses BDD, TDD, Puppeteer, SpecFlow, and Robolectric. The system runs on Docker both locally and in production, with RDS DB and EC2 Linux. It also integrates SES, Lambda, and S3 for email handling. A CI/CD pipeline ensures that all tests are executed, and the site, API, and mobile app are automatically deployed upon approval.

                    Due to the exchange rate between the Brazilian Real and US Dollar, maintaining a Windows server became too costly. To address this, I carefully planned and executed a migration from .NET Framework to .NET Core and from Windows to Linux, ensuring a smooth transition.

                      • Core library with business logic with automated tests.NET, C#, NHibernate, BDD, Specflow
                      • Website with browser automated tests.NET, C#, MVC, HTML, CSS, javascript, jQuery, Bootstrap, Puppeteer
                      • API.NET, C#, MVC
                      • Android app with automated testsKotlin, retrofit, junit, robolectric
                      • DatabaseMySQL, AWS RDS
                      • Web ServerAWS EC2 / Route53, Docker
                      • Integration with automated tests running at pushCircle CI, Docker
                      • Email to send notifications to the people who uses the systemAWS SES / Lambda / S3

                      Attended events

                      • GET CERTIFIED GCP 2024
                      • AWS Cloud Experience Day Portugal 2023
                      • CryptoRave 2019
                      • Android Community Summit 2018 (iMasters)
                      • .NET Community Summit 2018 (iMasters)
                      • CryptoRave 2018
                      • Hackaton Mundipagg 2017
                      • CryptoRave 2015
                      • CryptoRave 2014
                      • Agile Vale 2013
                      • Agile Vale 2011
                      • Coding For Fun 2007

                      Talks - channel - in portuguese

                      • Binary numbers:
                      • Transgender people:
                      • From Java to Kotlin:
                      • Regex:
                      • How to remove gender from text (in portuguese it is harder than english):